Sooo we took Kierra's binkis away again. It has been a whole week. Last Monday she was up untill 2 a.m. screaming and kicking. Clark gave in and gave her a bink and she fell asleep in 2 min. then he took it out. Tuesday she was fine all day then Karin and Scotty babysat for us that night she fell asleep watching a movie. Karin said that she was totally fine and did not ask for it at all. Then Wed she was screaming and kicking again. I asked her if she hit and kicked Karin and Scotty and she said no. She tried to stop being violent but still struggled. She finally went to sleep. She is staying up way later than before and usually gives in to sleep with her dad. Now I'm trying to teach her that lying is bad since the other day she told me to leave the living room so she could do something then she snuck one of Miley's binks which I took away. Friday we were looking for her and found her asleep in her bed with a freaking binki. We took it from her and made it untill last night when we were having prayer and scriptures and were calling her for prayer and she wouldn't come then Aubrey went to go get her and found her asleep in her bed with Miley's flippen binki. So that was removed from her mouth. Then today she took Miley's binki and said to me,"mom I won't put it in my mouth I am just saving it for Miley." I told Clark to go and get it from her and he goes in her room and she stands in front of her play kitchen and says, "nothing, nothing dad." Little did she know in her three year old mind that she told us where she hid it. Well she knows Santa will only bring her presents if she does't have them anymore, he will bring her baby food like Miley.
Here are a couple pictures from today.
lol, She sure is determined to have a binky isn't she? The 2 pictures of your girls are very cute! Those two are looking so much older. They seem to be getting bigger by the minute. ;)
That is so funny. (well funny for the ones that aren't her mom). My friend cut the nipples off all her sons Binks so he wouldn't even want them?? Just an idea. Hard since Miley has them too.
I wish Brighton woud take a Binky!
Good luck!
I can't believe that. She sure does love her/Miley's binki's. I can't believe she is lying. Good luck with that. The crying at night must be difficult. She'll learn eventually and just think, some day she won't even want them. Hang in there! Be strong for her little three-year-old self since she can't be.
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