Sooooo........ Kierra is out of control. Today I figured where her hiding place is. I will be looking all over the living room for Miley's binki and can't find one. I'll go into Kierra's room and she hides them under a silky blanket under her bed. I didn't tell her that I knew where she was putting them because I didn't want her to change the hiding place. Three times today I found a binki there in her room. I was just keeping up on it. Making sure she wasn't putting them in her mouth. She was up playing around the house. So later this evening I took some kids home that were playing at the house. When I can home I asked everyone where Kierra was and once again she had taken a bink and fell asleep in her bed. So we took the binki out and hoped she would sleep through the night. Well she woke up at 9 so I'm sure she'll be up till all hours of the night. So I just got done discussing this issue with her and she keeps saying "Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sorry." She says she is big and won't take them anymore. Well that's great and all but when she's screaming at 2 this morning I'll be the one sorry.
I didnt know you were a blogger! Your girls are so cute!
ok, here is what I have for you:
Have only one binki for Miley. The others you hide above the fridge or some other place very high up and out of sight from Kierra. Have Miley's one binki clipped to her at all times, as much as possible. Remind Kierra through out the day that she is a big girl and that she loves Miley so she shouldn't take her binki because Miley needs it and Kierra doesn't.
If that doesn't work, I would try to have Miley switch binki brands to the nuk or something like that. I know they aren't as cute to you but I think it would be worth it for Kierra's sake.
And if that doesn't work, I would get Miley off the binki now. Lets face it- you could be having a simmilar problem with Miley in just a few years so dealing with taking the binki from both of them now might me something that would be worth your time and effort, now.
Good luck! Keep us up to date on what happens. Love you! Melanie
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