This my first time being tagged. :)
1- What is his name? Clark Dale Veylupek
2- Who eats more? I do during the day. He does during the night.
3- Who said I love you first? I did.
4- Who is taller? Clark is taller, thank goodness.
5- Who is smarter? I want to say me but for sure Clark is.
6- Who is more sensitive? I am much more sensitive, does Clark know what that means?
7- Who does the laundry? Hello, I do.
8- Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? look from the front Clark does.
9- Who pays the bills? Clark does I use to untill we went to automatic bill pay online.
10- Who cooks more? I do all the cooking.
11- What meals do you eat together? Right now all of our meals we eat together.
12- Who is more stubborn? I don't know?
13- Who is the first to admit they are wrong? We both do a good job of that now.
14- Who has more sibling? I do but we both come from big families. 9 in mine 6 in his
15- Who wears the pants in the relationship? I totally do :)
16- What do you like to do together? eat, watch movies, exercise, travel
17- Who eats more sweets? I do, sometimes he'll hide treats and the kids and I will find it and eat it all. He always gets ticked off when he goes to eat one.
18- Guilty Pleasures? Chocolate cake from Macaroni Grill. Clark loves motorcycles.
19- How did you meet? Super Target in Orem we were both working together in domestics and I was bossing him around and telling him what to do then apologized later.
20- Who asked who out first? I asked him if he wanted to come over and watch a movie.
21- Who kissed who first? Clark kissed me.
22- Who proposed? No one we just talked about getting married and knew we would.
23- His best features? His blue eyes are amazing and he has a great butt.
24- What is his greatest quality? He is the best daddy to our 5 girls. They absolutely love him. He plays with them and goofs off the think he is hilarious.
I tag Julia, Kim and Sabra come on sisters keep it going then tag Melanie, Shayla and Cierra.
6 days ago
I may not comment much but I SO enjoy your blog and seeing pics of your fabulous family. Now that your exchange students are gone, let's bake bread soon.
It is was fun to read this post...And fun for me to continue the game. I still remember the first time I saw Clark. It was at the tri-plex in Provo.
What a fun tag!
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