Monday, August 18, 2008

School Starts

I can't believe that summer is almost over. The girls love school and didn't complain, they were tottally excited. Taylor is in 9th grade, Aubrey is in 4th, and Jenna is in 2nd.


Julia Roberts said...

I can't believe Taylor is in 9th grade. The girls look great. Sounds like they are ready for another year.

Cierra Rafajko said...

Thats awesome that your girls are excited to go to school. It's amazing how fast this summer has gone. They are all looking grown up!

cyndi said...

you are so good you already have pics up . . . ugh I am so behind. The kids look really cute-- I see pink was the color of choice :)

M said...

Don't you LOVE the first day of school??? YEah summer is over! My kids were skippinig all the way in and I was skipping all the way home, well in my car singing a song, yippee!