So Clark is very good at doing things around the house. Once he hooked a toothbrush up to one of his Dwalt saws that had a go back and forth action. He used the thing to clean the grout in the house. On Halloween he wipped out his saw to carve pumkins. I have a pic of Tay covering Kierra's eyes while Clark was carving. Kierra was a baby and Taylor thought it would scare her LOL Well this week he was polishing his boots and he had put this polisher on his drill and his boots were shining so amazing that I could see myself in them. Then tonight he cooked dinner. WOW!!!! What can I say, he is one of a kind. I love that man.
Hey, a power drill is a multi purpose tool, so why not go from polishing your boots to mixing up the pancake batter. Sooo funny!
This is freakin hilarious!
yeah, mark and I were both cracking up about this. we miss you clark.
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